450 Oven

  • 2 Pounds Fingerling Potatoes any size and or variety-cleaned and dry
  • 3 TBS Vegetable oil
  • Herbs– Sage/thyme–basil/oregano–garlic/dried chili 2 teaspoons fresh of each I would choose 2 of choice Chopped with salt
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 13×9 pan or fitted to how many potatoes you use. they need to be in a layer and tight fitted in pan

Fit potatoes in pan add vegetable oil, shake and cover with foil. Oven for 15 minutes so they sort of steam

Remove cover when done, shake and put back uncovered in oven for 20 more minutes. Shake a bit after 10 min

pour into bowl with all the oil. Add salt/herb mixture